Madeleines with coconut oil

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Orange mousse, chestnut cream and coconut chestnut glaze

Madeleine is a French shortcrust pastry originally from Commercy. The delicacy can also be easily prepared vegan and is an ideal dessert or a small treat for in between.


50 grams of flour
30 g coconut blossom sugar
25 g almond powder
1 g orange zest
3 grams of yeast
25 ml melted coconut oil
40 ml almond milk
5 grams of golden chlorella

Mix flour, golden chlorella, almond powder and baking powder in a bowl. Then add milk, oil and some orange zest. Finally add the sugar and stir until you get a smooth batter. Pour the batter up to ¾ the height of the silicone molds (without greasing). Leave to rest for 10 minutes, during this time preheat the oven to 180 °C. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Allow to cool before shaping.

Orange mousse:

1 orange
5g coconut sugar
1 tsp agar agar

Remove the zest from the orange and cut the orange into small pieces. Reserve the juice from the orange. Put everything in a small saucepan, add the coconut blossom sugar and simmer gently for 20 minutes. After cooking, mix with the oranges. Return the coulis to the pot, add the agar and bring to a boil. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. Pour into a bowl and let cool.

Coconut Brown Glaze:

200g coconut milk
100g white chocolate
1/2 orange zest
50 g chestnut paste
2 g agar agar

Melt the white chocolate in a water bath. Put the coconut milk in a saucepan with the orange zest and the chestnut paste. Melt the chestnut paste in the coconut milk. Once melted, add the agar agar and bring to a boil. Let cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour onto the melted chocolate in 3 batches. Place in fridge to chill.

Chestnut cream:

100g chestnut paste
30 ml coconut milk
Loosen the chestnut paste with the coconut milk.


Let your imagination run wild when preparing your dessert. Either in the form of a large dessert or as a mini version on the plate as in the photo.

Cut out circles from Madeleine biscuits. Spread the orange juice on top, but don’t go all the way to the brim. Dab the coconut ganache around the edges of the cookies and place a large dot of chestnut cream in the center. Put a small zest of orange on the dessert.

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